Enjoy Your Life Even at Old Age

 More often than not, people blame the downhill trend their life takes to old age. The pain, and aches, lines, wrinkles and dark spots on their skin are some the things people have attributed to age. And because growing old is an inevitable process, many people have done nothing to stop these changes. They have decided to accept aging. Some dread that if they did anything, their condition may even get worse. The truth is that, whatever is happening to your body is of your own making. At a younger age, your body was able to heal itself faster in spite of the reckless lifestyle you led. At old age however, you take long to recover and hence rendered unable to do much as you did when you were still young.

As you grow old, the number of hormones your body secrets gradually reduces. This however should not be a gate pass for your entire life to take a downhill trend. If you eat right and indulge yourself in exercise, you will be able to maintain your health, at the same time slow down the clock. The many senior citizens who are more active than youngsters out there can bear witness to this argument. No wonder they are in much better shape. Because they are more conscious about their health, they do their best to make things right by giving their bodies all the nutrients it needs.

On clocking your mid 30s, the muscular and bone strength of your body will start increasingly declining. Yes, Father Time is catching up with you. Of course, there is no way you can stop it, but there is a lot you can do to slow it down. Its your call. You dont have to give in. You know what to do to keep your body healthy: proper dieting, regular exercise, and a life style change. That way, you will still be able to enjoy what life holds out for you.

With growth come extra responsibilities. You need to live your life like an adult as you grow older. Whereas children still have the luxury of enjoying a sedentary life, older people have the obligation to their society. As you engage your body actively, you also need to know how much it is capable of doing. An inactive life will make your feel weaker. A re adjustment in your mindset is therefore needed here. You need to teach your body how to get rid of the continuous urge to rest all the time.

Human beings are creatures of habits. We will always want to do things that we have grown up doing simply because they are more comfortable for us. Its however very important that we learn to think out of the box, and discover things far beyond our reach. Its only then that you will come to realize that the real cause of those pains and aches is not old age. With deeper in sight into things, you will find the balance to make you get used to the activities you would wish to do. Look at old age as a time to explore, and try out new things. If you keep at regular exercise, you body will be able to do more than you could ever have imagined.

The energy we need to survive comes from carbohydrate, fat, protein and alcohol. The health authorities in most countries are in broad agreement in that adults between 18 and 50 years old need around 2400 or 1800 calories a day for a male or female. These are the levels of calories needed to give the body the energy to sustain a normal life style. Even those people who have highly active life styles, such as athletes, only need small increases in calorie intake. The elderly and infirm who are usually on a lower level of calorie intake will benefit from the high levels of vitamins and minerals that are present in fish.

Seafood has benefits with regard to calorie control in that for similar weights, fillets of fish are usually lower in calories than lean Beef, Chicken Pork and Lamb products. For example 120 g of fresh Cod or Tuna will contain around 100 and 150 calories respectively, as against 200 and 215 calories for lean Chicken breast or Beef fillet. The difference is more significant for the cheaper and higher fat content types of animal products, such as cheap minced Beef, belly Pork and shoulder of Lamb.

The lower calorie level of seafood products helps to control our calorie intake whilst still providing a satisfactory meal. The other benefits of fish being that it is low in fats, and rich in vitamins and minerals. Making the case for an increase the eating fish unquestionable. As a result if you are setting out with the plan to cut down your calorie intake, eating more seafood will help you to reach your goals without cutting out the need for intense crash diets.

Excessive intake of saturated fats, salt, calories from fresh and prepared animal based products is shortening the lives of large numbers in the world https://npfinancials.com.au/. Obesity, caused by an excess of calories consumed over calories used, can cause many problems to the human body, from damage to the joints, to excessive strain being placed on our vital organs. The solution is very simple - eat more fish, to have a more controllable intake of calories, as well as benefiting from the high levels of vitamins and minerals and the low levels of dangerous saturated fats.

Doing so will be for the benefit of all age groups and sexes, and even the unborn. Fish should not just be considered for the occasional meal, but can become the mainstream source of your food, from breakfast through to dinner. With over 20,000 species of fish in the world your choices will never be restricted.

Consider Your Trading to Be a Business

As you work toward developing the mindset of a successful trader, you will want to become aware of the difference between business and trading risks and how each of them can affect your long-term profitability as a trader. This article will provide examples of each type of risk that you might encounter in your trading activities, so that you can be aware of these potential trading pitfalls in advance in order to better avoid them.

Business Risk:

The first primary type of risk you need to be aware of when developing an optimal trading mindset is business risk. This is the risk that your trading business will not have adequate funds to meet its expenses. Business risk is often ignored by novice traders who are sometimes more focused on making pips than on the bigger picture of what it takes to stay in business as a trader over the long term.

For traders, business risk commonly arises from financial risk, which is linked to the size and stability of any outstanding debt you might be servicing in order to remain in business as a trader. Business risk can also derive from economic risk, which is based on how the overall economic and regulatory climate affects your trading business. Examples of specific business risks that traders sometimes face that fall into in each of these two basic categories appear below.

A. Financial Risks:

Business risks to your trading enterprise might include the following financial risks:

(1) You lose more money trading than you can afford to which then forces you to stop trading.

(2) Having an unhappy boss, spouse or business partner who withdraws their support due to trading taking up too much of your time and attention without providing good financial results.

(3) Insufficient trading returns resulting in the withdrawal of funding from an investor in your trading business.

(4) Margin calls due to adverse market moves that exceed your ability to pay them.

(5) Interest charges on your trading loans that exceed what you can comfortably continue to service.

B. Economic Risks:

Business risk can also cover the following economic risks:

(1) The market becomes unavailable due to new regulation that excludes you.

(2) Market sizes, spreads or commissions become too unattractive for you to continue to participate in trading economically.

(3) Failure to procure the items that you need to be successful and competitive as a trader due to lack of funds, knowledge or experience. These essential items might include trading execution, charting and risk management systems, access to news wires, trading and money management education, etc.

(4) Changes in the tax code that are unfavorable to your trading business.

Trading Risk:

The second primary type of risk that traders pursuing a constructive trading mindset need to keep in mind is known as trading risk. This can be considered the risk of incurring a substantial trading loss or even perhaps a prolonged failure to grow your trading portfolio's value. Like business risk, trading risk can also be broken down into two secondary categories. In the case of trading risk, these risks are either market-related risks or are risks not strictly related to market conditions.

A. Market-Related Risks:

Any market-related risk that affects all traders and which is tied to the overall economic system and market conditions is included in this category. Trading risks of this type that involve market risk might include:

(1) Incorrect market view resulting in a trading position being stopped out at a loss.

(2) Loss of liquidity resulting in the widening of dealing spreads and the resulting ineffectiveness of many short-term trading strategies.

(3) Excessive market volatility causing the execution of stop-loss orders (with or without order level slippage) even though the trade would have otherwise been profitable.

B. Risks Unrelated to Market Conditions:

This category includes any risk that is not market-related, including especially those risks arising from trader or trade plan errors. Trading risks of this second type are not strictly related to market movements and can include the following:

(1) Multiple consecutive losing transactions resulting in too high a portfolio value drawdown for the trader to stomach.

(2) Overtrading and losing money due to spreads/commissions.

(3) Loss of discipline in following trade plan resulting in excessive losses.

(4) Analysis paralysis. This is a lack of decisiveness or fear of losing money that results in a failure to pull the trigger on a trade and the consequent opportunity loss incurred.

(5) Lack of diversification in your currency trading portfolio and strategies which increases susceptibility to shocks. (6) Failure to leave a protective stop-loss or take-profit order.

(7) Failure to execute a necessary transaction.

(8) Incorrectly executing or recording a transaction.

(9) Forgetting that a transaction was executed.

(10) Inappropriate position sizing resulting in too much or too little risk taken.

(11) Faulty risk/reward analysis, including regularly executing transactions with a low risk/reward ratio.

(12) Excessive greed resulting in failure to take profits appropriately. Sometimes, such initially profitable trades are even closed out at a loss.

Managing Business and Trading Risks Successfully:

While many traders routinely analyze each position they take for its risk/reward ratio, far fewer traders take the time to perform a detailed risk/reward analysis of their trading business. As a result, they may unwittingly enter into a business situation with a poor chance of long-term success.

The mindset of the successful trader will need to be aware of all of the potential risks to their trading business. They will also need to manage those risks efficiently and economically to ensure their trading business's long-term survival and profitability. Certainly, keeping any business debt servicing manageable and any investors (including yourself and your spouse) happy will be paramount https://bestdesignersintheworld.com/. Next, upholding a strong commitment to using sound money management principles, maintaining strict trading discipline and keeping good records will put your trading business firmly on the right foot.

Finally, creating a trading business plan in which you consider and address all foreseeable risk situations is a good idea to get your trading business started on the right foot. At the very least, going through this process will help you understand your business as a trader better, and it will also allow you to get feedback from other traders.


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